Folk Music in Public Performance

Editor: Max Peter Baumann
Co-Editor: Nerthus Christensen, Dieter Christensen, Linda Fujie & Jonathan Stock

(the world of music Vol. 43(2+3) - 2001)


  • The Editor: Preface
  • Max Peter Baumann: Festivals, Musical Actors and Mental Constructs in the Process of Globalization
  • Bernhard Hanneken: Concepts and Contexts of the Tanz&FolkFest Rudolstadt
  • Owe Ronström: Concerts and Festivals: Public Performances of Folk Music in Sweden
  • Karl Neuenfeldt: From Silence to Celebration: Indigenous Australian Performers at the Woodford Folk Festival
  • Linda Fujie: Japanese Taiko Drumming in International Performance: Converging Musical Ideas in the Search for Success on Stage
  • Tran Quang Hai: Vietnamese Music in Exile since 1975 and Musical Life in Vietnam since Perestroika
  • Martin Boiko: The Latvian Folk Music Movement in the 1980s and 1990s: From "Authenticity&qot; to "Postfolklore" and Onwards
  • Svanibor Pettan: Encounter with "The Others" from Within: The Case of Gypsy Musicians in Former Yugoslavia
  • Ursula Hemetek: Music of Minorities Between Exclusion and Ethnoboom. Intercultural Encounter in Austria
  • Oskar Elschek: Folklore Festivals and their Current Typology
  • Hans-Hinrich Thedens: "How Funny - I'm at a Folk Music Event and I Don't Know a Soul Here!": Musicians and Audiences at the International Folk Music Festivals in Norway
  • Josep Marti: Music and Ethnicity in Barcelona
  • Manfred Bartmann: Spotlights on Festival History and Communication: Folk Legends Work on the Great Hits of Rock and Popular Music

    Book Reviews (Jonathan Stock, ed.)
  • Neill Sorrell: Bakan, Michael B. Music of Death and New Creation: Experiences in the World of Balinese Gamelan Beleganjur
  • Tim. K. Ramnarine: Manuel, Peter. East Indian Music in the West Indies: Tan-singing, Chutney and the Making of Indo-Caribbean Culture
  • Carlos Sandroni: Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan, ed.. Portugal e o mundo: o encontro de culturas na musica / Portugal and the World: The Encounter of Cultures in Music
  • Henry Johnson: Tokumaru Yosihiko. L'Aspect melodique de la musique de syamise
  • Peter Ackermann: Sestili, Daniele. La voce degli dei. Musica e religione nel rito giapponese del kagura
  • Kofi Agawu: Erlmann, Veit. Music, Modernity, and the Global Imagination: South Africa and the West
  • Susanne Fürniss: Floyd, Malcolm, ed. Composing the Music of Africa. Composition, Interpretation and Realisation
  • Ricardo Canzio: Review Essay: The Power of Singing versus the Construction of a People's Music - Trebinjac, Sabine. Le pouvoir en chantant 1: L'art de fabriquer une musique chinoise
  • Razia Sultanova: Rees, Helen. Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China
  • Nathan Hesselink: Song Bang-song. Korean Music: Historical and Other Aspects
  • Amanda Griffin: Gunderson, Frank, and Gregory Barz, eds., foreword by Terence Ranger. Mashindano! Competitive Music Performance in East Africa
  • Nicola Dibben: Fikentscher, Kai. "You Better Work!": Underground Dance Music in New York City
  • Ruth Davis: Shelemay, Kay Kaufman. Let Jasmine Rain Down, Song and Remembrance among Syrian Jews
  • Helen Rees: Kruth, Patricia, and Henry Stobart, eds. Sound
  • Briefly Mentioned
  • Daniele Sestili: de Ferranti, Hugh. Japanese Musical Instruments
  • Yu Siu Wah: Mittler, Barbara. Dangerous Tunes: The Politics of Chinese Music in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the People's Republic of China since 1949
  • Jonathan Stock: Simon, Artur, ed. The Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv, 1900-2000: Collections of Traditional Music of the World

  • Marin Marian-Balasa: Romanian Ethnomusicologies: A Briefly Commented Bibliography of Academic Literature Published in International Languages

  • About the Authors
  • the world of music

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